Archive | January, 2014

Huge Interest in NDEs Following Serialization of My Book The Wisdom Of Near-Death Experiences

27 Jan

I have had an overwhelming response since my book has been serialized in The Daily Mail on Saturday 25th January, Monday 27th January and another two articles planned for Tuesday and Wednesday.  There have been many comments on the Daily Mail website and it is very encouraging to see so many people speaking so openly about their experiences.

It’s really great to see this really important subject being taken so seriously.

I just wanted to write a quick post to say thank you to everyone who has sent comments to the blog and emailed me in the past few days to share their experiences with me.  I will reply to everyone but it may take some time as there are so many emails to read.

It may also take a while to reply to the comments on the blog as I have also been inundated with media requests but I will reply as soon as I can.