Archive | May, 2013

Call for help from NDErs with Rosie Ward’s interesting PhD work

22 May

 Rosie Ward is a really talented artist, currently doing a PhD student at the University of Sheffield. I am really excited to say that she has asked me to be involved with some very interesting and important work that she is doing. It involves the use of visual and audio techniques to create experiential artworks which aim to capture the highly personal and subjective experience of a NDE. This research will inspire new artwork within her PhD and this will explore the notion of challenging the audience to question their subjective understanding of what it means to be ‘alive’. She is presently looking for participants whom have had a NDE and interested in being involved within this project. Continue reading

CNERIC Research in France

21 May

At the beginning of May, Sonia Barkallah from S17 Productions in France came to visit me along with Corinne Musitelli who is her translator. We discussed ways of working together which I am very excited about. I have a lot to report so I will put a few postings in the coming weeks about my future work with Sonia. I will and also give more details about Sonia’s excellent DVD called Untimely Departure, keep following the blog for more details of this.

Sonia brought a short DVD recording of the CNERIC research protocol which has been conducted in France by Dr Jean-Pierre Postel. I was previously unaware of this research so I thought I’d mention it to the followers of the blog. Continue reading